Las Vegas Indecent Exposure

Are you facing charges of indecent exposure in Las Vegas, Nevada? If so, a conviction could result in severe penalties and reputational damage. But you should also know that you don’t have to face the criminal justice system alone. The team with DeCastroverde Law Group is standing by to protect your rights, freedoms, and good name.

Request a Legal Case Evaluation

We understand the sensitivity of these matters and the importance of a discreet and effective defense strategy tailored to your unique situation. Our award-winning criminal defense professionals are well-equipped to handle your case with the utmost confidentiality and dedication. Don’t hesitate to contact us today for an initial confidential consultation.

Definition of Indecent Exposure in Las Vegas

Indecent exposure in Las Vegas, Nevada, differs from the similar-sounding “Public Indecency.” Under Nevada law, indecent exposure involves the willful and lewd exposure of one’s genitalia in a public place or where others may be offended or annoyed.

Key elements of indecent exposure in the statute include:

  • Willfulness: The exposure of genitals must be deliberate, distinguishing it from accidental occurrences.
  • Lewdness: The act must happen in a lewd manner, which involves a clear intent to provoke or satisfy sexual desire.
  • Public or Potentially Public Visibility: The exposure must occur in a public space or in a private area that is visible from a public space.
  • Potential to Offend: The exposure must be such that it would offend an ordinary person who happens to witness the act.

These specific legal definitions help differentiate indecent exposure from public indecency, which might involve a broader range of inappropriate behaviors but does not necessarily focus on the exposure of genitals.

Examples of Indecent Exposure in Las Vegas

Many different circumstances could potentially lead to an indecent exposure charge in Las Vegas. Let’s explore a few hypothetical scenarios that illustrate the criteria that must be met for prosecutors to secure a conviction. The following examples highlight how actions, intent, and context play crucial roles in determining whether an incident qualifies as indecent exposure under Las Vegas law.


Consider an individual who removes their swimwear at a popular Las Vegas pool party. This act is done intentionally in a crowded, public setting. Unlike accidental slippages or wardrobe malfunctions, the deliberate nature of removing clothing to expose genitals meets the element of willfulness required for an indecent exposure charge.


In another scenario, a person might perform a lewd act by flashing bystanders from a hotel balcony overlooking a busy street. This action is not only intentional but performed in a manner meant to provoke shock or arousal in others, thereby satisfying the lewdness requirement of the statute.

Public or Potentially Public Visibility

An example of this element could involve an individual who stands in their front yard in undress, easily visible to passersby on the street. Even though the person is on private property, the visibility from a public place brings the act under the scope of indecent exposure laws.

Potential to Offend

Imagine someone at a family-friendly event decides to expose themselves. This context—where families and individuals of all ages are present—ensures that the exposure will likely offend ordinary public sensibilities, thereby fulfilling this critical legal criterion.

Penalties for Indecent Exposure in Las Vegas

The penalties for indecent exposure in Las Vegas are serious and depend on the circumstances of the alleged offense, including whether it is a first or subsequent offense and whether the act occurred in the presence of a minor under 18 or a disabled person.

Classification and Penalties

First Offense: Indecent exposure is generally a gross misdemeanor in Nevada for the first offense. It can result in penalties including:

  • Up to 364 days in county jail
  • A fine of up to $2,000.

The conviction, while severe, typically does not require sex offender registration for a first-time misdemeanor offense.

Subsequent Offenses: If someone has prior convictions for indecent exposure, any further offenses are Category D felonies. This charge escalation reflects the increased public safety concern posed by repeat offenders. Penalties for a felony conviction can include:

  • 1-4 years in Nevada state prison
  • A fine of up to $5,000

A subsequent conviction will also place the defendant on the sex offenders’ list at the Tier 1 level.

Presence of a Minor or Disabled Person:

Suppose the indecent exposure occurs in the presence of a child under 18 or a disabled person. In that case, the offense immediately rises to a felony, regardless of whether it is a first or subsequent offense. This carries the same penalties as other felonies, including potential prison time, fines, and registry as a sex offender.

Sex Offender Registration:

Crucially, any felony conviction for indecent exposure will also require the offender to register as a sex offender, which has long-term social and legal consequences, affecting employment, housing, and community standing.

Defenses for Indecent Exposure in Las Vegas

There are several strategic approaches to defending against indecent exposure charges in Las Vegas, depending on the circumstances of the charges. Potential defenses include:

  • Lack of Willful Intent: Your attorney might argue that the exposure was accidental or unintentional, challenging the requirement for deliberate action.
  • No Lewd Intent: In this strategy, you contend that you did not perform the act with lewd intent or to arouse or offend others.
  • Misidentification: The defense might assert that someone incorrectly identified you as the person committing the act.
  • Insufficient Evidence: Your lawyer can challenge the prosecution’s evidence, asserting that it does not prove beyond a reasonable doubt that the exposure occurred as alleged.

Contact Our Las Vegas Indecent Exposure Attorneys Today

If you face indecent exposure charges in Las Vegas, it’s crucial to mount a severe defense on your behalf. The team at DeCastroverde Law Group can guide you through the complexities of your case with strategic defense approaches tailored to your situation. Contact us online or by phone for an initial consultation with our Las Vegas indecent exposure lawyers and start building a robust defense today.