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Criminal Defense FAQs

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The prospect of facing criminal charges is daunting and almost always requires advice from experienced legal counsel, such as the attorneys at De Castroverde Law Group. Here are answers to some of the most frequently asked questions about criminal law.

When Should I Contact a Criminal Defense Attorney?

Contact an experienced criminal law attorney as soon as you learn that you have been charged with a crime or are at risk of being charged with a crime. An attorney will give you legal advice and, if necessary, can speak with law enforcement. Trying to resolve a criminal matter on your own is a bad idea.

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What Should I Do If I’m Arrested?

Do not speak to the police until you have representation. You should, however, follow directions from the police as they process your arrest, including actions such as taking your fingerprints.

What Is a Felony?

Felonies are the most serious crime category and generally include offenses with a prison sentence of greater than one year. Many states place felonies into various classes based on the seriousness of the offenses and associated punishments under the law.

What is a Misdemeanor?

Misdemeanors are the second crime category and generally include offenses with sentences of less than a year. Many misdemeanors allow for sentences such as community service, probation, and fines.

What Is Bail?

Bail is often misunderstood as a form of punishment. In reality, bail represents an amount of money the state holds to ensure that a defendant responds to charges and shows up for pre-trial hearings and trial proceedings. Judges can also set bail higher if they perceive it as necessary to protect the public or because of other factors, such as the risk of a defendant fleeing. Generally, bail is returned to a defendant at the end of a criminal proceeding.

How Long Does a Criminal Case Take?

The length of criminal proceedings will vary based on the facts and circumstances of the underlying case. More serious crimes, such as murder, require more pre-trial proceedings as attorneys ask the court to resolve disputes over evidence, witnesses, and the law. Misdemeanor charges are often resolved quickly, within a few months. Felony cases can go on for a year or more.

What will happen if I write a bad casino marker?

In many cases, a visitor decides to write a personal check to repay their line of credit at a casino. If the individual writes a bad check even if they did not know the check would bounce, they can be held liable by the casino through criminal charges. It is important that you retain an experienced Las Vegas defense attorney at once, because the key to these charges is often whether or not the individual knowingly signed the casino marker without the ability to repay it. Your attorney can build a detailed defense to challenge the charges and the prosecution’s case.

What should I do if I was arrested while visiting Las Vegas?

Thousands of people visit Vegas every week, and the mixture of excitement, alcohol, and partying often leads to calls to the police. Unfortunately, an arrest in Sin City cannot be ignored once you return home; it is crucial that you do not hesitate to retain the representation of a knowledgeable Las Vegas defense firm. Our team is familiar with the various charges that are often unique to the city, and we can help you understand the accusations made against you and the best defense options for your situation.

Is indecent exposure a very serious charge?

Indecent exposure in Las Vegas is a commonly charged offense, as partiers often get carried away in the midst of alcohol and endless parties. The charge cannot be taken lightly, however; the offense can be charged as either a gross misdemeanor or a category D felony, and both carry harsh penalties. Indecent exposure is considered to be a sex crime, and in the face of the severe consequences, you need a skilled criminal defense attorney to represent your case and fight the allegations.

Why should I spend my money on a private attorney?

Nevada offers public defense for those who are unable to afford their own legal counsel, but this option should be avoided unless it is absolutely necessary. Public defenders carry heavy caseloads and are often overworked, which typically means they cannot devote the time and energy needed to properly defend each case. This lack of attention can have significant impact upon your case, which is why you should enlist skilled private defense immediately.

Our Las Vegas criminal defense attorneys can thoroughly assess the circumstances that led to your arrest and the evidence brought against you to determine if your rights have been violated and to build a comprehensive and powerful defense. We understand how much is on the line, which is why our team will work tirelessly to protect your interests and provide your case with the aggressive advocacy you deserve.

Trusted Legal Counsel at De Castroverde Law Group

For more than a decade, the lawyers at De Castroverde Law Group have been helping protect residents’ rights in and out of court. Our criminal law team includes several former state and federal prosecutors who understand how the government develops cases and how to build an effective defense. We have experience with various criminal offenses, including those originating in casinos, such as casino marker cases. For immigration cases, our bilingual team is ready to stand at your side throughout proceedings that range from deportation to adjustment of status. Call us or contact us online for a free, no-obligation consultation.