What do you need when applying for a foreign work visa?

Working abroad can be just the thing you’re looking for the add some adventure to your life. Whether you’ve just graduated college or you’ve been working for a few years, there’s no wrong time to explore the world by living and working in a different country. It’s an opportunity to expand your interests and experiences while meeting new people and exploring new cultures.

There are some requirements for working abroad, so our team at De Castroverde Criminal & Immigration Lawyers has put together a list of what you need when applying for a foreign work visa in countries where Americans are eligible for working visas.


Applying for Foreign Work Visas

There are several types of work visas you can apply for in Australia. For example, the Australia Working Holiday Visa allows you to work in the country for a year. You can only work for one employer for six months when you’re there. If you have a dependent child in the U.S., you can’t bring them with you under the Australia Working Holiday Visa.

You must pay a visa application fee, along with proof of sufficient funds of at least $5,000 to support yourself overseas. Additionally, you must verify that you’re enrolled in a post-secondary education program or that you have completed a degree when you’re applying for the visa. Here are some things you’ll need to do to apply for an Australia visa:

  • Get the Australia visa form.
  • Pay the visa fee.
  • Bring your passport.
  • Complete a medical exam.
  • Meet character qualifications.
  • Exhibit competent English.
  • Have three years of relevant work experience.
  • Be under 45 years of age.
  • Read or have someone explain the Life in Australia booklet.
  • Sign the Australian Values Statement.


The applicant must be at least 18 years of age when applying to Ireland for a work visa, and you can only stay in the country for a year at most. You must currently be in a post-secondary education program full-time to apply. This means you can be on the path to earning an associate degree, a bachelor’s degree, a master’s degree, or a doctorate. If you’ve already graduated from your post-secondary education, you must apply within 12 months of finishing your program.

Once you’ve paid the application fee, you must provide proof that you have a return ticket home from Ireland and €1,500, or €3,000 total if you don’t have a ticket yet, so they can be sure you won’t get stuck in the country due to insufficient funds. Some other items you’ll need when applying for the work visa include:

  • Two color passport-sized photographs.
  • Current passport and copies of previous passports.
  • A signed application letter.
  • An employment permit from the Department of Enterprise, Trade, and Employment.
  • Employment contract.
  • Letter from your employer in Ireland.
  • Qualification evidence.
  • Proof of sufficient finances.
  • Medical or travel insurance.
  • Previous visa refusals.


There are various work permits you can apply for to earn if you want to work in Singapore. This country has one of the most competitive application processes because the it only accepts about 2,000 applicants. Once the country’s government has approved your application, you can only live and work in the country for six months, maximum. You must currently be in a post-secondary education program or have already graduated and received your degree at the time of applying. Here are the other things you will need to do to apply for a Singapore work permit:

  • Have a valid passport.
  • Complete the Singapore Work Permit application.
  • Pay the application fee.
  • Register fingerprints and photos.
  • Give written consent if your employer is completing the application on your behalf.

New Zealand

If you have your dreams set on working in New Zealand, there are over 80 types of work visas here. As long as you meet the other application requirements, the country accepts an unlimited number of applicants, so you won’t have to worry about too competitive of a process like in Singapore. The maximum time you can stay in the country is one year. You can’t accept permanent positions from your employer or other offers, but you can study or train for six months during your year here.

Additionally, if you have dependents in the U.S., you can’t bring them. You also must show proof of your return ticket home after your time is up in New Zealand. Some other items you will need when applying for a work visa include:

  • Valid passport.
  • Application form and fee.
  • Visa photos.
  • Proof of excellent character.
  • Police and medical certificates.
  • An IRD number from Inland Revenue.


Why not head to our neighbors of the north in Canada to work? You must be at least 18 years old. Your nationality determines how long you can stay and work in the country, usually between 12 and 24 months, maximum. During your application, you can’t currently have a job in Canada and can’t have a goal of working in multiple roles in multiple parts of the country. Additionally, you must be in a post-secondary education program or have recently graduated.

Some other items you may need while applying for a Canadian work visa are:

  • Valid passport and travel documents.
  • Education credential assessment report.
  • Language test results, checking proficiency in English or French.
  • Written job offer from a Canadian employer.
  • Provincial nomination, if you have one.
  • Medical and police certificates.
  • Proof of sufficient funds.

South Korea

In South Korea, the maximum amount of time you can stay in the country is 18 months, and have to be in or have recently graduated from a post-secondary education program. If you have a dependent in the U.S., they can’t come with you on your working visa. You must also provide proof of sufficient funds to support yourself during the majority of the time you’ll be in the country and a return ticket home.

Here are some other items you’ll need when applying for a South Korea work visa:

  • Valid passport.
  • Employment contract copy.
  • Educational and professional certificates.
  • Criminal records.
  • Recommendation letter.

Contact us if you have any questions about applying for foreign work visas. Our expert team will be happy to answer your questions and provide helpful resources.

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Photo Credit: Backpacking in a busy city by Steven Lewis is licensed with Unsplash License