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De Castroverde Blog

    What Can Lead to Resisting Arrest Charges?

    Encounters with law enforcement officers can be stressful, leading some people to resist arrest. Unfortunately, this action may result in separate criminal penalties in addition to your original charges. You might face fines, jail time, or even deportation if you’re a non-citizen. At the De Castroverde Law Group, we’re here to explain everything you need to know about resisting arrest […]

    Will A Speeding Ticket Violate My Probation?

    Most of the time, a speeding ticket won’t violate your probation, so it should not be a source of alarm. However, because a speeding ticket may violate the terms of your probation in certain circumstances, you should contact your Las Vegas criminal defense lawyer as soon as possible after receiving a ticket. What Is a Violation of Probation? According to […]

    Nevada’s Sex Offender Classification Guide

    Are you looking to better understand the Nevada sex offender classification system? Have you been charged with a crime? If these are concerns you are facing, you might have some questions for a Las Vegas criminal defense attorney. If you have already been convicted of a sex offense, you might have concerns about your tier-level risk assessment. This assessment is […]

    Nevada’s Self-Defense Laws

    In legal terms, self-defense is using force to protect yourself against someone who poses a threat. It may be simple enough to understand as a concept, but numerous unforeseen variables can arise when individuals defend themselves in real-life scenarios. To address these variables, states have enacted specific laws that help identify permissible instances of self-defense and appropriate levels of force. […]

    Can Someone File Assault Charges Months Later?

    If someone is filing assault charges against you months after the incident, you may wonder if the case is even valid in court. Understanding Nevada law surrounding assault can help you understand your rights as a defendant and ensure you get adequate representation. In this guide, our team at De Castroverde breaks down everything you need to know about assault […]

    The F1 Grand Prix Race Is Coming to Las Vegas

    The Formula One (F1) Grand Prix is one of the most talked-about and anticipated events in racing. It offers a heart-pounding combination of speed and intense position shifting, making it ideal for racing enthusiasts. The F1 Grand Prix is coming to Las Vegas in November 2023. Let’s take a speedy look at the details below. Formula One’s Newest Race When […]

    6 Date Ideas in Summerlin, NV

    The Summerlin area offers several ideal destinations for a date night. You can take a short journey from the Las Vegas Strip to enjoy some of the more distinctive highlights of an area that typical tourists may miss. Plan a memorable day or evening at one of these great spots in the Summerlin area. Red Rock Canyon Adventurous couples can […]

    Nevada DUI Penalties

    Driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol puts lives at risk. It also carries serious legal consequences. In Nevada, an arrest and conviction on charges of driving under the influence can lead to jail or prison time, a significant fine, and the loss of your license for an extended period. The best way to protect yourself is not to […]

    What is the difference between Larceny & Theft?

    One of Nevada’s most frequently charged crimes involves stealing: when someone takes property or services that do not belong to them without permission or paying for them. Depending on the context, you may hear this referred to in the law as theft and larceny. And you might wonder: Do these terms mean the same thing? In Nevada, the simple answer […]

    The 7 Most Diverse Restaurants in Oakland, California

    If you’re looking for an eclectic, original dining experience in the Oakland area, you’ll find no shortage of possibilities. Oakland is a diverse city that delivers an abundance of ethnic restaurants with options ranging from Ethiopian to Turkish. Try one of our favorite restaurant destinations. The Damel Image by Delfina Iacub is licensed with Unsplash License The Damel describes itself as […]