Reno Product Liability Lawyer

The sale and purchase of goods throughout the world is a phenomenon that has been made possible through technology and ongoing transportation advancements. However, along with the ease of global shopping comes the added risk of defective products. Regardless of where you purchased a product from, the manufacturer or distributor should be held responsible for any resulting injuries which occur to the purchaser after purchasing a product. Unfortunately, many product defects occur in children’s toys or products which are geared toward babies, such as car seats and strollers. These defects can quickly become life-threatening when they fail to protect fragile newborns from harm. If you or a loved one have experienced injuries due to defective products, you may be entitled to receive compensation for your injuries.

Nevada Product Liability

Nevada is a strict liability state, which means that the burden of proof on behalf of the victim is lower than it would be in a pure negligence state.  In a strict liability product liability claim, the victim only needs to prove the following:

  1. Product was defective;
  2. The defect existed when it left the manufacturer or distributor’s possession;
  3. The product was used in a manner reasonably foreseeable by the manufacturer or distributor; and
  4. The defect was the cause of the injury to the victim.

Defective products can cause extreme damage to the victim of the accident, whether it be a piece of equipment that flies off when used in the intended manner, or medicine which has not been properly tested before release to the public.

Three distinct type of defects are covered through product liability:

  • Manufacturing defects
  • Design defects
  • Defective warning of foreseeable misuse

Product liability claims are most often not brought under state law, but are instead the result of prior court decisions. Manufacturers and distributors have a high level of responsibility for consumers of their products and must take efforts to minimize any product defects, or effectively warn of dangers from certain foreseeable misuse.

Victims in product liability cases are entitled to bring a claim for general damages after use of a product leads to serious injuries.  An experienced Reno personal injury attorney will be able to assist you in determining the total amount of damages you are entitled to receive after a defective product has led to severe injuries to yourself or a family member.

Our Reno product liability attorneys have experience handling various types of cases including:

  • Dangerous drugs
  • Motor vehicles
  • Auto parts
  • Home appliances
  • Children’s toys
  • Electronics
  • Medical equipment
  • Machinery
  • Food products
  • Construction equipment and supplies

De Castroverde Law Group | Reno, Nevada Personal Injury Attorneys

If you or a loved one have been injured in a product liability case, do not hesitate to contact the attorneys of De Castroverde Law Group. Our attorneys have years of experience in assisting our clients with their personal injury claims stemming from defective products. A product manufacturer does not need to know the defect existed at the time of sale, and the product doesn’t even have to be used in the intended manner for the manufacturer to be held liable. If you have questions concerning your ability to bring a claim, do not hesitate to contact our Reno offices today for your initial free consultation.