Las Vegas Pool Party Arrest Attorney

The laid back atmosphere and high temperatures of Las Vegas mean that pool parties are a daily occurrence. Many of the city’s most popular clubs and hotels offer these adult pool parties, and unfortunately, arrests are all too common at these events. If you were arrested and charged with an alleged crime at a pool party, a Las Vegas pool party arrest lawyer can help protect your rights and defend you against the charges. De Castroverde Law Group has advocated for countless clients who were arrested at pool parties, such as events at:

  • Tao Beach
  • Nectar
  • Encore Beach Club
  • Wet Republic
  • Relax
  • Ditch Fridays
  • Liquid
  • Venus European Pool Club
  • Bare
  • Rehab
  • Moorea Beach
  • Marquee Day Club

Common Pool Party Charges in Las Vegas

Many of our clients are arrested for such alleged offenses as disorderly conduct, battery, and lewd conduct. In most cases, these charges result from misunderstandings between intoxicated individuals, and both parties hold fault in the altercation. Some of the more serious arrests that occur at pool parties are those for drug offenses.

The state harshly prosecutes narcotics crimes, and you need powerful defense on your side. If charged with possession, you face very damaging consequences, and these Las Vegas pool party arrest lawyer penalties are increased if the prosecution adds charges of distribution or intent to sell. It doesn’t matter if the drug found in your possession was intended for personal use alone; law enforcement will seek increased charges if they have reason to believe you had other intentions, such as if you were found with a large amount of a drug. Drug offenses are even more serious when they involve such narcotics as cocaine, ecstasy, and GHB, and an arrest of any nature can have devastating impacts upon your life and career.

Get the defense you need!

No matter the circumstances of your arrest, it is important to consult with a Las Vegas pool party arrest lawyer who can help you understand the charges and determine your legal options. Our firm will implore the judge to reduce your charges or drop them completely, and we will ensure your rights are protected throughout the process. Don’t wait another moment; call our firm to enlist the aggressive advocacy you deserve – contact us here!