De Castroverde Blog

    Your Rights While in Custody

    Even if you are arrested and in custody, you still have rights. It does not matter if you are awaiting conviction or even waiting for a bond hearing, your constitutional rights do not cease the moment you are arrested. One right you may not have is the right to privacy and law enforcement can legally search you and your cell […]

    Understanding Wrongful Death Claims in Nevada

    There is no doubt about the devastation family members will face when they lose a loved one. If the loss was due to medical malpractice or someone’s negligence, it can add a significant amount of grief and confusion to their loss. Nevada has its own set of laws (as do most states) regarding wrongful deaths and how families can seek […]

    Increase in Traffic Deaths Nationwide is Cause for Concern

    Traffic fatalities happen every day in the United States, although most drivers do not think about it. However, the recent number of fatalities in the nation has increased – and is definitely cause for concern. According to recent data released by the nonprofit National Safety Council (NSC), 2015 could be the deadliest year for drivers since 2007. What the Numbers […]

    Domestic Violence Laws in Nevada

    As in most states throughout the country, in Nevada, law enforcement officers and prosecutors take domestic violence crimes extremely seriously. While most domestic violence crimes are misdemeanor offenses, individuals who get convicted can still face months of prison time, severe fines, probation, and community service. They can also face restraining orders that prohibit them from having contact with their family, […]

    How to Fight an Unfair Traffic Ticket

    In Las Vegas, even a simple traffic or speeding ticket can have severe consequences. In addition to facing steep fines and points on your record, a traffic ticket can also result in a significant hike in your insurance premiums. Depending on the specific offense with which you are charged, pleading guilty or receiving a conviction can result in suspension of […]

    Drunk Driving in Las Vegas

    Driving under the influence in Las Vegas is a serious offense with serious consequences. Any amount of alcohol use impairs judgement, delays reaction time, and affects vision. In 2013 alone, 14,445 people were arrested for alcohol-related driving offenses in Nevada. The same year, 10,076 deaths and 290,000 injuries were caused by drunk driving accidents across the country. Las Vegas lawmakers […]

    Truck Drivers and Drug Use

    Illegal drug use is one of the leading causes of truck accidents. Drug abuse is often rooted in truckers’ extended hours on the road. When you factor in the high level of isolation, the temptation to numb the boredom and loneliness can be very powerful. The National Transportation Safety Board has spent over twenty-five years investigating drug issues in the […]

    Defective Products and “Failure to Warn”

    If you have suffered an injury as a result of an inadequate product warning label, you may want to learn about “failure to warn” laws. There are different types of product liability, and the one that applies to you will depend on the nature of your injury, the type of product, and the form of negligence. One example of product […]

    Las Vegas Has “Zero Tolerance” for Distracted Driving

    Distracted driving is responsible for more vehicle crashes than drunk driving. With the ability to text, call, or email at any moment, it has become increasingly difficult for drivers to focus on one thing at a time. However, safe driving requires just that: consistent focus and attention. Any activity that shifts a driver’s attention from the road creates a “distracted driving” […]

    What is a Refusal Hearing?

    If you are stopped by the police and are suspected of driving while intoxicated (DWI) or driving under the influence (DUI), the police officer may request that you take a chemical test. This test is usually a breathalyzer, but in some cases officers may request a blood or urine test depending on what substance they believe you have been using. […]