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De Castroverde Blog

    Robbery vs Burglary

    If you take something from someone unlawfully, you are asking for criminal charges to be brought against you. That being said, there are hundreds of scenarios that can lead to criminal charges being brought against you for theft, burglary, or robbery. While all three of these seem similar, in reality, they have a few significant differences that can change the […]

    Accessory To A Crime

    It’s important to understand that you don’t have to commit a crime directly (acting as the “principal”) to still be charged as an accessory to the crime. To form a definition of an accessory to a crime, it is also important to define related terms:  Aiding: Assisting an individual to commit a crime. Abetting: Encouraging another to commit a crime. […]

    Resisting Arrest Charges

    Resisting arrest is the attempt to defy, or make difficult, a law enforcement officer’s attempt to perform a lawful arrest.  It can be a complicated concept that exists on a spectrum ranging from a misdemeanor to a felony, depending on the severity of the resistance and whether or not there is an attempt to do harm to an officer.    […]

    What Is a Gross Misdemeanor?

    In Nevada, the definition of a gross misdemeanor is a crime that is more severe than a misdemeanor but less severe than a felony. Nevada law states that: A felony is every crime that is punishable by death or imprisonment in state prison. A misdemeanor is every crime that is punishable by a fine of up to $1,000 or by […]

    What Is Aggravated Arson?

    Understanding arson charges can be complex because of the various classifications and degrees. You might be wondering what first degree arson is when compared to fourth degree arson. Nevada defines arson as intentionally setting fire to property. This includes anything that is the property of the person who is setting the fire. The law is written this way to prevent […]

    What Happens if You Get an Open Container Ticket?

    Open container laws apply to two different situations: walking down the street and driving in a vehicle. These laws are in place to discourage public intoxication and driving while under the influence. Find out how to avoid breaking the law and what happens if you get an open container ticket.   Las Vegas Open Container Law First, let’s define what […]

    What to Know About Domestic Battery

    If you’ve been accused or charged, you might wonder what domestic battery is and what steps you should take next. The most important thing to understand is that just because you have been charged with domestic battery doesn’t mean you are found guilty or arrested. Understanding domestic battery charges will offer you an advantage in your case and help you […]

    What Are the Nevada Rules of Civil Procedure?

    There are a lot of procedures that must be followed in a civil court. The Nevada Rules of Civil Procedure is the law that regulates civil practice and procedure in Nevada district courts. The law was put into effect in 1953 and was recently amended in 2019. The purpose of the Nevada Rules of Civil Procedure (NRCP) is to ensure […]

    Nevada Marijuana Laws

    Nevada marijuana laws have been debated for several years, so you might be left wondering, “Is weed legal in Las Vegas?”. The short answer is yes; both recreational and medical marijuana is legal in Nevada. Nevada Marijuana Possession For recreational use in Nevada, adults 21 years and older can possess weed according to Nevada marijuana laws. The legal amount for […]

    Nevada Car Seat Laws

    What Are Nevada’s Car Seat Laws? Nevada’s car seat laws are put in place to protect the lives of children and others in the vehicle. Children under 6 years old who weigh 60 pounds or less are required to be in a child restraint system while traveling in a vehicle. A child restraint device includes both car seats and booster […]