De Castroverde Blog

    ¿Qué es un delito menor de DUI y DWI?

    La sigla DUI significa “manejar bajo la influencia”. La sigla DWI significa “manejar bajo la influencia de alcohol” o “manejar bajo la influencia de sustancias”. Estas ofensas pueden tener el mismo o diferente significado dependiendo del estado en el que hayas sido condenado. Básicamente, ambos cargos significan que la funcionalidad del conductor estaba afectada debido al alcohol u otras drogas […]

    Órdenes judiciales: Qué hacer y cómo gestionarlas

    Las órdenes de comparecencia son un tipo de orden judicial emitida para que una persona comparezca ante un tribunal. A diferencia de una orden de detención, una orden de ingreso en prisión no pone en marcha una acción penal, sino que se dicta porque alguien ha infringido las normas judiciales, la mayoría de las veces por no comparecer ante el […]

    Desentrañando las Consecuencias de los Delitos de Cheques Sin Fondos

    Existen diversas razones por las cuales una persona podría emitir un cheque sin fondos de manera no intencionada. Por ejemplo, quizás le pagaron a alguien con un cheque sin fondos porque realmente no sabían que su cuenta carecía de los fondos necesarios para cubrirlo. Tal malentendido usualmente no resulta en problemas legales si puedes corregir el problema. Sin embargo, algunas […]

    How Long Do Restraining Orders Stay on Your Record?

    The length of a restraining order stays on your record, depending on what order you received. There are various types of restraining orders, and each one has its own policies. If you received a temporary restraining order, it will appear to law enforcement officials for 14 days or until your court hearing. If the restraining order is denied at the […]

    Robbery vs Burglary

    If you take something from someone unlawfully, you are asking for criminal charges to be brought against you. That being said, there are hundreds of scenarios that can lead to criminal charges being brought against you for theft, burglary, or robbery. While all three of these seem similar, in reality, they have a few significant differences that can change the […]

    Accessory To A Crime

    It’s important to understand that you don’t have to commit a crime directly (acting as the “principal”) to still be charged as an accessory to the crime. To form a definition of an accessory to a crime, it is also important to define related terms:  Aiding: Assisting an individual to commit a crime. Abetting: Encouraging another to commit a crime. […]

    Resisting Arrest Charges

    Resisting arrest is the attempt to defy, or make difficult, a law enforcement officer’s attempt to perform a lawful arrest.  It can be a complicated concept that exists on a spectrum ranging from a misdemeanor to a felony, depending on the severity of the resistance and whether or not there is an attempt to do harm to an officer.    […]

    What Happens if You Get an Open Container Ticket?

    Open container laws apply to two different situations: walking down the street and driving in a vehicle. These laws are in place to discourage public intoxication and driving while under the influence. Find out how to avoid breaking the law and what happens if you get an open container ticket.   Las Vegas Open Container Law First, let’s define what […]

    Assault and Battery: Is Assault a Felony?

    There is plenty of confusion when it comes to understanding the differences and definitions between assault and battery – often because the two charges can be used together in the same sentence.  Assault has differing titles and can mean different things depending on where the crime was committed. In some states, assault can mean intentionally making an individual fear that […]